Friday 12 April 2013

How to handle your significant other

Back in the day playing ball for the Red Sox I never really had a nagging girlfriend or wife but heres a tip I picked up from some of the guys I played with.

If your significant other is getting jealous of the amount of gear your getting, the new style your sporting, and she is feeling left out or short on the wardrobe, don't forget to let her know that she's not forgotten. A good place to start is to tell her you have come across a site called Cheers To Carla, take a peek here:

This site gives some perspectives on what was worn back in the day and how it can be converted to todays style, accessories included!

Thursday 11 April 2013

Introducing Cliff Clavin

Thinking On Your Feet

I've learned from my days of being a bar keep that spending a lot of time on your feet can be tiring, some of us manly men need something comfy but that still keeps in tact our masculinity, I present to you, a boot company called Broken Homme check them out here;
My favourite of their collection is the James Boot in OxBlood, at $249 that is not a bad price for a good quality long lasting boot.



Tucked - Blog with Style

Want to let my followers know of this dandy of a blog, check some of the pictures out theres a style for everyone in every situation except for.. Well you know me, enjoy their collection!



Spring Is Here - Duds for under $50

Came by this site called Frank & Oak, you can find it here , they have lots of cool up to date quality pieces for decent prices. Each month they release a new line, and have a service called Hunt Club. Hunt Club allows you to order 3 new pieces a month, and send back what you don't like free of shipping costs.

Tuesday 9 April 2013


Welcome to the blog of former Boston Red Sox relief pitcher Sam Malone, current bar keep and owner at Cheers. This is the first post, throughout my time on here I will be posting on different clothing websites/stores around America, to help you find the best duds there is for reasonable prices and to lure those women in that you so desire, enjoy the blog and follow me on twitter @SamMaloneSox16


Sam Malone